
Nestled high in the Caucasus Mountains, Altihut is redefining adventure tourism in Georgia. At an impressive altitude of 3,014 meters above sea level, just above the village of Stepantsminda, Altihut stands as a beacon for trekkers, hikers, and mountaineers. Positioned near the Sabertse pass, en route to the towering Mount Kazbegi, it offers an unparalleled blend of breathtaking views and a serene retreat. The surrounding Gergeti Glacier and iconic Gergeti Trinity Church make it a perfect stop for rest, acclimatization, and adventure.

Altihut, an initiative by the company Altitude, is more than just a mountain lodge — it’s a movement. With the mission to make Georgia’s rugged landscapes more accessible to a broader audience, Altihut 3.014 provides a range of professional, flexible, and sustainable services. Whether you’re an experienced climber or a first-time hiker, the hut offers comfort, warmth, and guidance along your journey. Thoughtful touches like an indoor restroom, delicious meals, and a cozy atmosphere elevate the experience, allowing guests to focus on the surrounding beauty.

Altihut is not just about convenience. It’s about responsible adventure. The choice of location was strategic, driven by the need for basic waste management in an area at risk of becoming overrun by tourism. Altitude saw an opportunity not only to provide a haven for climbers but also to pioneer an eco-conscious approach, reducing the environmental footprint in this delicate region.

While you rest on its sunny verandas, you’re treated to stunning mountain vistas, fresh air, and even indulgences like hot chocolate. It’s a place where lasting memories are made. For many visitors, the hut is a welcome respite after hours of trekking, and though it may lack a few modern luxuries like hot running water, the experience remains unmatched.

Designed with both nature and the adventurer in mind, Altihut strives to be more than just a stop on your journey. It seeks to shift the culture of mountaineering and eco-tourism in Georgia, leading the way through responsible leadership and impact investment. As a result, it offers not only shelter but a vision for sustainable tourism in the Kazbegi region — one that respects and preserves the natural beauty while making the thrill of the mountains accessible for all.

Whether you're scaling Mount Kazbegi or simply exploring the region, Altihut provides the ideal combination of adventure, comfort, and sustainability in one unforgettable package.

Nearest to Altihut

Distances shown are straight-line, calculated automatically from coordinates, and may not reflect actual travel distance. They do not account for altitude, terrain, or obstacles. Not suitable for itinerary planning or emergencies. For entertainment use only.

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